Our Mission
Our Mission is to accelerate the delivery of Net Zero.
We are proud of the role we’ve played to date and extremely excited about our expansion in the future. We enable investment into low carbon technologies, starting in proven technologies such as wind and solar and moving into Hydrogen and Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage.

Operating the Contracts for Difference scheme

Managing the Capacity Market operations and oversee the payments

Providing expert advice to help inform policy to accelerate the delivery of Net Zero.
One of the great things about leading this organisation is seeing how central we are to delivering the huge investment that Net Zero requires, at an affordable cost to the consumer.
What We Do
Our Commitment
We are dedicated to supporting the government’s objective of ensuring a reliable, low-cost, and clean energy system for our country
Our Role in Securing a Reliable Energy Supply
As the Capacity Market Settlement Body, we have key role in overseeing Capacity Market payment. We carry out this responsibility on behalf of our affiliate the Electricity Settlements Company (ESC)
Our Role in Low Carbon Electricity Generation
We are dedicated to supporting the government’s objective of ensuring a reliable, low-cost, and clean energy system for our country
Our journey so far…

Low Carbon Contracts Company launched

The Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC) and the Electricity Settlements Company (ESC) were launched. LCCC was established to help the UK meets its carbon reduction targets by incentivizing Low Carbon generation. The ESC was created to simplify the complex process of settling payments between energy suppliers and generators.

Contracts for Difference scheme introduced

The Contracts for Difference (CfD) was introduced under the Coalition Government to promote low-carbon forms of generation. It is a private law contract between a generator and the LCCC, which is owned by Government, under which the generator’s income per unit of electricity is fixed.

Allocation Round 1 (AR1) launched

LCCC welcomed the first electricity generators to be awarded CfDs from Allocation Round 1 (AR1). A total of 23 contracts benefitted from this flagship scheme.

Capacity Market Payments Started

The first Capacity Market payments commenced in October 2016, marking a significant achievement in the country’s efforts to ensure a reliable and affordable supply of electricity for households and businesses. Under the CfD scheme 657MW capacity became operational.

Accelerating the CfD Momentum

An additional 16 contracts awarded in AR2. LCCC managed 57 CfDs with an estimated value of around £76bn, including Triangle Farm, Dudgeon with a diverse range of technologies, from Offshore Wind to Solar PV.

Produced groundbreaking amounts of power

Produced 12.1 TWh of low carbon power, equivalent to the annual energy consumption of around 3 million households in the UK, also avoided approximately 3.5 million tonnes of harmful CO2 emissions.

AR3 Launch Sparked 22 Successful Contracts

Delivering 18.8 TWh of Low Carbon Power

18.8 TWh of low carbon power produced, making a considerable contribution to the country's energy mix whilst also reducing carbon emissions.

Managing record number of CfDs

Managing 72 CfDs with an estimated value of £89bn, including the ground-breaking Hinkley Point C.

Launched largest allocation round

The AR4 launch marked a significant milestone as it became the largest Allocation Round in the history of the CfD scheme. The total installed capacity commissioned under the scheme reaching 6.0GW as of 31 March 2022.

Leading UK Authority in Low-Carbon Energy

Our expertise was recognised by the UK's Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, thereby establishing ourselves as a leading authority on the management of low-carbon energy schemes in the UK.

Launch of AR5 introduced a variety of new technologies

95 CfDs were awarded during our first annual allocation round with a variety of diverse technologies including tidal stream and geothermal notably successful.
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