Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC) has today launched a new Data Portal, which will increase the range and accessibility of data available through the Contracts for Difference (CfD) and Capacity Market (CM) schemes. The portal is now live at www.lowcarboncontracts.uk/data-portal.

The Data Portal is the latest stage in LCCC’s work to increase the availability of data to which it has access, as inspired by the Energy Data Taskforce’s aims to facilitate greater competition, innovation and markets in the energy sector.

The first phase of the Data Portal Project will provide access to 17 datasets that were previously published via LCCC’s online scheme dashboards. The datasets can now be downloaded in CSV or JSON formats, or accessed programmatically using APIs. This will allow users of the Data Portal to download data that sits behind the visualisations displayed on LCCC's website, as well as supporting users to conduct greater analysis of the data using their tool of choice. Users can also subscribe to notifications when data is updated. Datasets will continue to be added to the Data Portal throughout 2021 and beyond.

A guide to using the Data Portal is available to download via the button on this webpage. LCCC’s Forecasting team will also host a live guide to the Data Portal during the Q2 21 ILR/TRA webinar, scheduled for 10-11am on Thursday 21 January 2021.

LCCC Data Portal User Guide (1)

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