The Electricity Settlements Company (ESC) is pleased to announce the development of an automated report that will reduce the administrative burden on Capacity Providers and Delivery Partners in the Capacity Market (CM) scheme.

All Capacity Market Units (CMUs) are currently required to nominate Satisfactory Performance Days (SPDs) to be checked by EMR Delivery Body through the latter's portal. By improving the use of exisiting data, ESC has developed an automated SPD Pass report which validates approximately 90% of CMUs.

The automated SPD Pass report will be published fortnightly for Capacity Providers to review their CMU pass status, and is available now via The new process will take effect from 31 March 2022.

The report means Capacity Providers will not have to submit dates on the EMR DB Portal if their CMUs show that they have exceeded their Auction Acquired Capacity Obligation (AACO) through the data submissions. For Capacity Providers whose CMU appears on the Pass report, no further action is required.

If a Capacity Provider's CMUs are not on the report it will be due to one of three reasons:

  • The CMU has not exceeded its AACO as per the SPD rules for the specific auction;
  • The data setup is not complete (Aggregation Rules, Metered Volume Data flows or another issue);
  • It has not been possible to automate the SPD process for the CMU type.

If a Capacity Provider's CMU does not appear on the Pass report, they must follow the existing process to submit SPD dates onto the EMR DB portal, and will need to follow the process outlined in in the latest EMR Delivery Body Guidance: Satisfactory Performance Days Guidance v3.5.

For CMUs which need to meet Extended Performance criteria, the automated report will show whether or not they have passed SPD requirements. However, these Capacity Providers will still be required to meet Extended Performance criteria as outlined in the latest EMR Delivery Body Guidance, available at the above link.

The current report is is particularly intended for Capacity Providers who are still to complete the SPD requirement for the 2021/22 Delivery Year by 30 April 2022. However, it is worth all Capacity Providers understanding how the process will work for agreements in future Delivery Years.

For any Capacity Providers whose information does not appear on the report, or who believe there is an issue with data or setup, please contact ESC as soon as possible.

Need further support?

For support and to avoid any issues leading to delays in completing SPD testing, please engage with EMR Delivery Body and the Settlement Body:

  • ESC contact email: if you believe there is an issue with data in the SPD Pass Report or setup;
  • EMR Delivery if you need to query a CMU that is within the outstanding modelling category and following the existing process;
  • EMRS Service for keeping EMRS informed if you are experiencing issues with your Metering Aggregation and, or Metered Volumes.
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