CfD Historical Data

This dashboard explores historical CfD scheme related data. It includes the most recent information on CfD payments made to generators (based on the latest invoice), as well as the underlying CfD generation data and market reference prices.

It also displays avoided Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, calculated using CfD electricity generation and the corresponding reduction in carbon intensity on the grid, based on National Grid’s emission factors. In addition, it estimates the financial value of these GHG carbon savings, incorporating the Carbon Price Support and the spot prices of EU Allowances (EUAs) traded during the period. This quantifies the economic impact of reduced emissions resulting from the scheme.

The third page shows interim levy rate (ILR) income. ILR income is a function of the interim levy rate and eligible demand, showing the initial income received from suppliers to fund the scheme cost.


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Also in Actuals Dashboards

CfD Allocation Rounds


CfD Daily Levy Rates


CfD Key Dates


CfD Operational Costs


CfD Supplier Payments
