LCCC Webinar for AR6 Bidders : Guidance on Initial Conditions Precedent
This one-hour webinar provided attendees guidance on requirements and processes surrounding the Initial Conditions Precedent (ICP), the first contractual milestone after signing a Contract for Difference (CfD).
LCCC's Contract Management team went through the key components of the ICP process: Legal Opinion, Know Your Customer and Facility Descriptions.
The session was interactive, with attendees having the opportunity to ask questions during the session. All AR6 bidders were invited to attend.
Access the recording, presentation slides and Q&A below:
If you have any questions regarding the ICP process or the webinar, please contact us or email us directly at info@lowcarboncontracts.uk.
Event details
Questions about the event?
If you have any questions regarding this event please email us at info@lowcarboncontracts.uk .